Roomco: chat rooms, date, fun

Roomco: chat rooms, date, fun

2.7 (2344)

Dating | 56.2MB


100% live discussion groups.
A social media network with thematic chat rooms created by its own users!
- Create or join a room on the topic of your choice
- Chat with people from all over the world
- Meet people who share the same passions
- Chat in private with your roomers friends
The first social media network for smartphones dedicated to live group chats between connected people:
- 100% of all the people in the rooms are online
- Ranking of rooms and roomers are updated in realtime
- Public rooms with a maximum of 50 people that automatically close after 24 hours
In one click:
-Add your favorite rooms and roomers as favorites to easily find them
-Receive the notifications of the rooms that interest you the most
-Change your country to chat with roomers all over the world
A social media network for the greatest number : teenagers or adults, there is something for every taste!
Roomco is a free chat which also has premium features witch will allow you to create and personalize a vip Room :
Public VIP room: appears into the VIP ranking!
Private VIP room with password: choose who can enter your room!
Read-only VIP room: you are the only one allowed to write !
- Choose the lifetime of your room and the maximum number of roomers
- Become admin of your VIP room: delete user messages or ban for 24h
- Change the colour of your messages
- Get notifications when a space becomes free in a room
- Add unlimited roomers and rooms to your favorites list.
- Unlimited user blocks.
In short, a real messaging, a super nice chat to make a max of meetings and new friendships.
Here, you can chat, share, laugh, chill, meet.... So come and join Roomco now!
Roomco - A room for everyone

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Version: 3.6.4

Requires: Android 6.0 or later


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