Quick Lock
Tools | 107.3KB
Start to save you handset hardware key39;s life... Use me to lock your phone nowQuick lock your phone by press this application... Start to save you handset hardware key39;s life... Use me to lock your phone nowPS: This app need device manager permission for use. The first time start the app, device manager will ask for permission. and you also need to revoke the permission before uninstall, if you want uninstall it.Uninstall: Go to SETTINGSgt;Location and Securitygt; Device Administrator and deselect the quot;quicklockquot; to uninstall.PS: Fell free to tell me the bug or your opinion, thanks for useOpen Project Code: http:quicklock.googlecode.comsvntrunkProject Code: http:quicklock.googlecode.comsvntrunk