Indian News Hub - Short News, Job Search
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Indian News hub app keeps you updated on Politics, Lifestyle, Entertainment, Sports, Local News, Game, Technology, business and more. You can also share your golden opinion in the comment section.
Indian News hub key features
* Trending News
* Search engine
* Jobs
* Short News
* Mark Article as reading later etc..
Indian Breaking News hub is the best app for breaking news. Be the first to find out the latest news on stocks, financial markets, business, technology and politics.
We offer 24/7 coverage. Stay up to date with regular live reporting on stocks, bonds, central banks, commodities, Forex and more, including the economic and political impact of the Trump presidency, Brexit and other relevant geopolitical issues worldwide.
Indian News reports concisely and objectively about world events for a modern user that needs to read quickly on the go.
Features of this app:
- Notifications on the most important events worldwide
- Short, concise articles
- Live to report
- Regular updates on company news, politics, technology, markets, gold, oil, Forex and bitcoin
- News market impact and corresponding stock market data in real-time
- Technology news section for in-depth coverage of bitcoin, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and more
- The Trending news feed feature which generates articles from a number of relevant third-party sources
World’s #1 Job Search site like Indeed, CareerJet, CareerBuilder, Monster
- Join over 250 million job seekers each month who use Indeed
- Find jobs in over 60 countries and 28 languages
- Search the Indeed database of over 16 million jobs
- Simple, fast-loading job search
- Find openings in cities near you using your device’s GPS
- View new jobs added since your last search and be the first to apply
- Search by job title, company and location to find your dream job
- Find full-time, part-time, contract, freelance and internship jobs
Golden Hunt Search Engine
Search Engine It is developed to make web surfing more simple and faster. With Search It, Now you can search and switch Multiple Search Engines with just Single Word.
You just need to type any word in the search box and then press the given site icon, on which you want to search data.
With the help of Search It now you can get 50 Search Engines at one place.
World’s #1 Job Search site like Indeed, CareerJet, CareerBuilder, Monster
- Join over 250 million job seekers each month who use Indeed, CareerJet, CareerBuilder, Monster
- Find jobs in over 60 countries and 30 languages
- Search the Indeed, CareerJet, CareerBuilder, Monster database of over 19 million jobs