Maths(S) 10
Music & Audio | 11.5MB
Maths(S) 10
Full Description
Rachna Sagar introduces Augmented reality app with its text books.
This app is an enhanced interactive content beyond the book where teachers/students can get all chapter animations with one touch on their smart phones and tablets.
# Tap on download video button to open files chapter wise.
# Tap on chapter number button to download videos.
# After downloading chapter video tap on ( start the scan ) button to start scanning the first image of each chapter.
# The play button will appear on the screen.
# Point the camera to scan the targeted image to view the video on your mobile screen/tablets.
# Make sure that your hand (device) do not shake while scanning the image.
# Tap on the play button to start the video.
# Double tap on the camera screen to go to the setting option.
# The books are designed specifically to fulfil all the need of a French language learner at beginner’s level.
# Based on latest teaching methodology.
# The workbooks, CD, picture dictionary and worksheets serve the purpose of fulfilling the need of self-study.
# Stickers and pull-outs for project work are provided.
# A well structured Teacher Resource Material
# A teacher’s kit with maps and educational games
# E-learning material : Web Support, Flip Book, Mobile App, Test Generator, CD.