MDCAT Chemistry MCQs

4.45 (101)

Education | 18.1MB


This app is made by Almiraj Academy Timber Market Lahore and Distributed by Armghan Saeed. App contains 8000 MCQs of Biology for MDCAT or MCAT Students. We have also compiled a collection of MCQs of different test occurred in Pakistan. i.e. MCAT, ECAT, MDCAT, FUNG, GAT, NTS, NAT. Preparing the MDCAT was never too easy before.
These MCQs are based on the latest syllabus given by UHS. We have collected more than 30,000 MCQs from different sources. These are available in different apps according to their subjects.
This app is not a Quiz app rather it is made for direct study.
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What's New MDCAT Chemistry MCQs

More Chapters and MCQs Added
Full Offline Features
UI Improved
Bugs Fixed



Version: 1.0.8

Requires: Android 4.4 or later


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