Loan Teke Teke Simulator
Education | 1.6MB
Loan Teke Teke is a
Loan Application Simulator.It simulates real loan lending applications.It Has features of real loan applications,where you can request for loan and pay loan granted,the money is not deducted from any of your account its just virtual,it also keeps your payment record status, if you pay in time you get chance to increased loan when you borrow next time.So you can take advantage and use it like it is a real loan app and gauge your self if you could manage to loan and repay in time, if it could be a real loan you had taken.The application does not need Internet connection,or any permission.Any information you provide within the app is stored securely in a database that resides within your application,no any other application can access the information.We also do not collect any of your information.We care your privacy.
Updated to accommodate more devices