Koncentracioni logor Crveni Krst

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Jednu od najposećenijih kulturno-istorijskih znamenitosti grada Niša koja se nalazi na teritoriji gradske opštine Crveni Krst čini kompleks građevina koje su vršile funkciju nemačkog koncentracionog logora u periodu od 1941. do 1944. godine, danas poznatija pod nazivom Spomen-muzej 12. Februar. Aplikacija je namenjena kao dodatni izvor informacija učenicima, studentima i svima onima koji su zainteresovani da saznaju nešto više o istoriji logora na Crvenom Krstu i predstavlja odličan uvod pre posete muzeju kako bi doživljaj i razumevanje eksponata bilo potpunije.
One of the most visited cultural and historical sites of the city of Niš, located on the territory of the Red Cross municipality, is a complex of buildings that functioned as a German concentration camp between 1941 and 1944, today known as the Memorial Museum on February 12th. The application is intended as an additional source of information to students, students and all those interested in learning more about the history of the camp on Red Cross and is a great introduction before visiting the museum in order to make the experience and understanding of the exhibits more complete.

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What's New Muzej 12. Februar




Version: 1.0

Requires: Android 5.0 or later


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