KeepStalk - Unfollowers and Instagram Analysis
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-Everything you need on one screen
We know how precious your time is. The statistics data you need the most (people who
don’t follow back, unfollowers, people who block you, ones who change their account or
deactivate it, people I don’t follow, and stalkers.) we put them onto the main screen.
-All your accounts in one app
You can see the statistics of your account without needing the login and switch between
accounts very fast.
-Get rid of not followers very easily.
We’ve analyzed non-followers for you, getting rid of them never been easier.
-Watch stories or save them secretly
Watch stories secretly or save it to your phone instantly.
-Who are your biggest followers?
We’ve listed the people who like your posts, comment, and visit the most.
-Post Analysis
Analysis results of your posts (total number of posts, the average number of comments and
likes, followers who don’t give likes, followers I don’t follow, stalkers), don’t forget to sip your
coffee while checking them.
-Story statistics
Instantly see who views your stories the most and who never views.
-Profile analysis
Search for whomever you want and analyze it in seconds. Maybe they are hiding
Our team will continue to improve the reports you might need with devotion for you…
Something on your mind? Share with us right away:)
Performance improvements have been made.
Bugs fixed.