Kaz Grammar

4.1 (220)

Education | 3.7MB


A full analysis of the Kazakh phonetic text.
Applications can use the pupils, students, teaching the face of the Kazakh language, and others.
Kazakh mәtіnіne fonetikalyқ Taldau Zhasa қosymshasy
Қosymsha turaly ұsynys қalaularyңyz-bolsa, pіkіrde қaldyrsaңyzdar Bolado.
Қosymshaғa Kazakh tіlіnің grammatikasyn anyқtamalyқ retіnde engіzdіk. Anyқtamalyқ aldaғy uaқytta Zhana taқyryptarmen tolyқtyrylady.
The application included the Kazakh language grammar in the form of a directory. The near future reference will be replenished with new themes.

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What's New Kaz Grammar

Добавили грамматику казахского языка в виде справочника



Version: 1.4

Requires: Android 4.0 or later


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