Hadits Shahih Bukhari

4.8 (7132)

Education | 31.1MB


Aplikasi Hadits Shahih Bukhari terlengkap dan gratis di lengkapi dengan beberapa fitur yang akan mempermudah anda dalam mempelajari 7000 + hadits, antara lain :
1. Fitur pencarian hadits
2. Fitur Bookmark
3. Share Hadits
4. Pengaturan font ( Huruf )
Kami harap aplikasi ini dapat bermanfaat untuk umat. Terima kasih
Application Sahih Bukhari Hadith free complete and is equipped with several features that will aid you in learning 7000+ hadith, among others:
1. The search feature hadith
2. The Bookmarks feature
3. Share Hadith
4. Setting the font (Letter)
We hope this application can be useful to people. thank you

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Version: Version 2.1.5 (Stable)

Requires: Android 4.4 or later


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