
3 (8)

Travel & Local | 92.2MB


Slovenija ima zelo bogato glasbeno zgodovino in znamenitosti, ki pa so žal pogosto prezrte tako med Slovenci, kot tudi med tujci. Aplikacija je namenjena vsem, ki bi si radi želeli ogledati in podrobneje spoznati glasbene znamenitosti. Namen aplikacije je prikaz znamenitosti v neposredni bližini s pomočjo obogatene resničnosti (kombinacije žive video slike in grafičnih prikazov). Na željo uporabnika nudi tudi vodenje in usmerjanje do znamenitosti s pomočjo GPS lokacije. Poleg prikaza in vodenja ga nato aplikacija seznani še z bistvenimi vsebinskimi informacijami o posamezni znamenitosti. Uporabnik tako na svojem zaslonu poleg video slike iz kamere dobi še dodatno grafično ali tudi video predstavitev znamenitosti ter smer in oddaljenost do mesta, kjer se nahaja. Ob kliku na znamenitost na zaslonu ga aplikacija nato tudi vodi do le-te s pomočjo navigacije. Ko prispe do znamenitosti, lahko ob kliku na njo prebere še dodatne informacije o njej.
Slovenia has a very rich musical history and sights, which, unfortunately, are often ignored both among Slovenes and among foreigners. The application is intended for anyone who would like to see and learn more about the music attractions. The purpose of the application is to show the sights in close proximity with the help of enriched reality (combinations of live video images and graphic displays). At the request of the user, it also offers guidance and guidance to the landmarks through GPS location. In addition to displaying and managing it, the application then provides the application with essential content information about individual attractions. In addition to the video image from the camera, the user receives an additional graphic or video presentation of the sights and the direction and distance to the place where it is located. When clicking on the sights on the screen, the application then also guides it to navigation via navigation. When it reaches the sights, it can read more information about it when you click on it.

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What's New Guide2Music

Guide2Music 1.0
Mobilni in interaktivni glasbeni vodič po slovenskih glasbenih znamenitostih s pomočjo obogatene resničnosti.



Version: 1.0

Requires: Android 4.1 or later


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