Greatest Hit Love Song

4.6 (83)

Music & Audio | 3.1MB


Browse and access free mp3 streaming apps, to listen to romantic mp3 music on your android phone. Greatest Hit Love Song is an app that has the best collection of songs around the world.
to play songs in this app we need a stable internet connection to get maximum results.
This application is just a media or a tool to play music, while the contents of the content or the song is on a site.
For those of you who want to have both the content and the song suggested to buy the original cassette or CD, in store or outlet that is official to avoid pirated or counterfeit goods.
Greatest Hit Love Song is a new online romantic music app where you will find the best romantic songs, love songs and ballads with a selection of free music streaming mp3
We present the best music and best romantic songs from your favorite singers. I love music from the 80s and 90s and new songs today. The song with the most hits heard on the radio online romantic music. And a hit on radio stations as well as romantic television tunes. You can download the Greatest Hit Love Song app and listen to the best romantic love songs of all time, anywhere and anytime on your mobile
Thank you very much

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What's New Greatest Hit Love Song

Fixed the navigation system and bugs in the application
Update Sdk
Update Application



Version: 1.10.1

Requires: Android 5.0 or later



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