GFS/WRF Europe
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GFS / WRF forecast chart for Europe with automatic positioning and manual area selection.
Called weather forecast model of
"The American GFS (Global Forecast System) model is the global weather forecasting model of the U.S. Weather Service. It is 4 times expected on the day and up to 384 hours in advance. The weather system diagrams use the data to 168 hours and are usually around 5, 11, 17 bwz. 23 UTC finished. the resolution of the grating is 1 degree (about 100km).
The Central Europe diagrams using the higher-resolution GFS (0.5 degrees), rich but only 7 1/2 days in the future.
WRF is a high-resolution model, which is expected in the WZ. It uses GFS data as input and is updated 4 times a day. The grid spacing is about 10 km (topography) and the forecast runs from 0 to 72 hours. Updated about 2 to 3 hours after the end of each GFS run. "
- improved resolution if using GPS