Fine Browser: All porn sites blocker, Uc browser
Social | 7.0MB
Fine Browser is developed for an aim to keep people away from pornographic or adult sites which may be distracting for you or children... The special filter mode to block pornograpgy sites is automatically enabled. This browser also has all social media shortcuts. Along with many great features this browser is also lite because of its low size.
Blocking of Pornographic or Adult content Sites
✔ Nudity or Pornography
✔ Blocks Websites, Search Words,
URLs which may may show you
nudity releated content
✔ No VPN will be able to unblock the
blocked sites
You can encourage children to use this browser because it will keep them away from unwanted sites which may be distracting from them.
If anyone accidently clicks on links which may contain distracting or pornographic content it will will automatically stop loading of URL.
Note: This app is in initial stage some features may not work properly but in next updates we will try to make it fully functional.
Social media logos included in the app are trademarks of their respective owners. They are used for identification purpose only.
▪ More sites aaded to blacklist
▪ Few Minor Changes in UI
▪ Improved performance