Electronic City
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Electronic City merupakan salah satu dari pelopor perusahaan ritel produk elektronik modern di Indonesia. Berdiri sejak tahun 2001 dan membuka toko standalone sekaligus toko pertama (flagship store) di Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD). Electronic City resmi menjadi perusahaan terbuka pada tanggal 3 Juli 2014 dan tercatat di PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (kode saham ECII).
Electronic City telah mengoperasikan 60 toko yang tersebar di beberapa kota besar di pulau Jawa, Bali, Sumatera, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi. Dan sebagai bukti pelayanan kami kepada customer, kini kami hadir dalam genggaman anda dalam bentuk Aplikasi Mobile.
+ Kemudahan Mencari produk Elektronik
Dengan adanya aplikasi Electronic City customer menjadi lebih mudah untuk mencari produk-produk elektronik yang mereka inginkan. Hanya memasukan kata kunci di kolom search. Customer dapat menambahkan kategori produk apa yang mereka ingin dicari, range harga, dan harga termurah.
+Promo promo menarik
Nantikan terus beragam promo-promo menarik dari Electronic City, dan beragam diskon yang sayang jika dilewatkan setiap minggunya.
+ Kemudahan Menemukan toko terdekat
Electronic City mempunyai sekitar 60 toko di Pulau Jawa, Bali, Sumatera, Kalimantan, dan Sulawaesi, dengan adanya aplikasi Electronic City customer dapat mengetahui Store store kami yang terdekat dari anda, dan dapat menunjukan navigasi.
+ Kemudahan Berbelanja
Electronic City menghadirkan kemudahan dalam berbelanja barang elektronik, cukup menambahkan barang yang anda pilih ke keranjang dan membayar dengan banyak metode pembayaran dari Bank-bank terkemuka dan Cicilan 0%.
+ Dikirim dari store terdekat
Kami akan mencarikan barang pesanan anda dari toko terdekat kami dengan lokasi pengiriman anda, sehingga ongkos kirim akan lebih murah dan bahkan gratis.
+ Membership Benefit
Dengan menjadi member Electronic City akan ada banyak keuntungan menanti anda.
Kunjungi kami juga di official online Store https://eci.id
Jika ada pertanyaan dan tanggapan jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami di
Customer Center: 1500032
SMS & WhatsApp: 0811 85000 32 (Setiap Hari: 10.00 - 22.00)
Email: customer@electronic-city.co.id
Electronic City is one of the pioneers of modern electronic product retail companies in Indonesia. Founded in 2001 and opened a standalone shop as well as the first store (flagship store) in Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD). Electronic City officially became a public company on July 3, 2014 and is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (ECII stock code).
Electronic City operates 60 stores in several major cities on the islands of Java, Bali, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. And as proof of our service to customers, we are now present in your grasp in the form of a Mobile Application.
+ Ease of finding Electronic products
With the Electronic City application, customers will find it easier to find the electronic products they want. Only enter keywords in the search field. Customers can add what product categories they want to find, price range, and lowest prices.
+ Attractive promos
Stay tuned for a variety of attractive promos from Electronic City, and a variety of discounts that are a pity if missed every week.
+ Ease of finding the nearest store
Electronic City has around 60 stores in Java, Bali, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawaesi, with the Electronic City application the customer can find out which stores are closest to you, and can show navigation.
+ Ease of Shopping
Electronic City brings convenience in shopping for electronic goods, simply add the items you choose to the basket and pay with many payment methods from leading banks and 0% installments.
+ Sent from the nearest store
We will find your ordered items from our nearest store with your shipping location, so the shipping cost will be cheaper and even free.
+ Membership Benefit
By becoming a member of Electronic City there will be many benefits waiting for you.
Visit us also at the official online Store https://eci.id
If you have questions and responses do not hesitate to contact us at
Customer Center: 1500032
SMS & WhatsApp: 0811 85000 32 (Everyday: 10:00 - 22:00)
Email: customer@electronic-city.co.id
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