برنامج تعديل الصور و الكتابة
Photography | 10.5MB
Are you looking for a lot decorate photos professionally programs?
But mastered Almekdh programs such as Photoshop?
Tired Find decorate photos and write programs?
Tired Search programs add effects to images?
Tbaiq photo editing and filters to improve image
A wonderful application for professionals to improve their images.
Download best application to handle images
- Cut images.
-Add Tires
- Add to Tzian's Avatar
- Add multiple filters.
- Tool purify the image of impurities
- Whitening where Alsourhoallaab
- Adjust colors and improved
- Change the image resolution for the better
Add stickers and text to your photos
20+ posters emoji category
Posters emoji
Better user interface design
Backgrounds blurred beautiful square
Posters emoji Category
Love & Romance, longing, heart,
Child, ball,
Card, g.,
Days and unloading,
Black emoticons, smiley face, large,
Face, funny,
St. Valentine's day,
Friendly girl,
Christmas holiday, Panda, and other
Also it contains the application on:
* Writing on the pictures from the studio or write to the images-the-shelf
* Different colors to suit all occasions and birthdays
* Add different shapes to your image
* Does not require an Internet connection
* Type your name and the name of the one you love now beautifully and in different colors
* Contains deal with images such as cropping and rotation tools and add effects.
* Contains a wonderful Arabic fonts and contain distinctive filters.
* Names written inside a heart.
* Be designed witty Hada simple application in writing to the images and edit images
Professional Photo Editor, which you will not find in any application modification Photo
- Installation of your photo with your lover
- Installation Photos
- Application installation of images
- Integrate your picture and assemble images
- Installation of photo enthusiasts
- Application installation of your photo with your lover
Professional pictures and editor, which you will not find in any photo editing program
Filter face in photos
Its fully free to cut and edit images feature.
You can insert images into an image with this program.
Facial purification
Purification image
Text on the image to text mode, you can also write on the image and put emoticons
A good image editor, photo editor expressive yard box photo, background and clear,
Posters and graphical symbols simple and easy-to-use interface, graphical symbols to add text to your photos
You have to do what you want, such as:
Romantic messages
She felt love and longing for the pair
Beautiful sayings Ghada Samman
Odatna in your eyes and what I feel
Poem for holiday
Lover cards at the time of fear
Thread Tools Posting Adhaafna you
Poem whistling sound of the nightingale Osamai
Poem population of Zaid Hamid words and video
Kinder to my mother bake .. love story we tell you
A poem about the mother .. the most beautiful feet poet Zaid Hamid
She felt love and longing
Poetry about friendship and loyalty
Talents dissipated heart problems
My optimism is the light of life
A dish of joy
Thoughts and the rule
Myself myself
oh God stand by my side
chi3r lhob nizar 9abani
ach3ar hob hazina nizar l9abani
ajmal kalimat et hikam hob 2015
arwa3 ahla kalam lhob
rasail love letters
3ibarat hazina, sms arab hob- rasail misajat hob maroc
nizar al kabanni qabbani
kalam jamil fi lhob
chi3r nizar el kabani
kalam jamil romansi
kalam wa hikam
Khuytarat in life
Absent a sun
Our children and the culture of silence
Game beauty pageants
turn the page
Spinning in the sun
Work is a medicine laziness
Education love
Love of one party
Tale of love
Tears of Regret
Words of sorrow
And I play you a tune nostalgia
I love you from
To learn all women
A meeting between the folds of a mysterious old
When the bird chirps loveliest tunes
It came to me as a talisman cleared in a blessed night
Tkhlina not love you
Reproach beloved
You out of my life Hdna
When you're in love young
Questions weak Ashqh
Female Art thou not like women and Taatgueni art of treachery
The anthem and the Arab identity and a homeland
Msjat of the wife to the husband
Msjat of the husband to the wife
Msjat married on Mobile
Msjat Watts August
- Sad romantic poetry
- Longing poetic messages
- Book Nizar Qabbani felt love and g
- Wonderful phrases and a love poem for Habibi
- Qasidah
- A sad poem about love
Notice sad, sad hair, sad thoughts, poems, poem sad, for parting hair, talk about the separation, felt very sad, poems about love, parting hair, hair melancholy
Be A Pro now photo editing and writing on pictures
It features the application of the writing on the images of different lines:
Professional pictures and editor, which you will not find in any photo editing program
How to write your name
Forget for the application with your family and your friends post by participating visible button in the main interface of the application.
After using this application you will find that the writing on the subject of the pictures much simpler, and offers a beautiful and useful results.
Forget for the application with your family and your friends post by participating visible button in the main interface of the application.
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