CropInfo India - Agriculture app
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भारत में फसलों की खेती के बारे में जानकारी । - Information on Crops cultivated in India. CropInfo India app is useful for farmers, field assistants, gram sevak, krishi mitra, pesticide dealers, students and other agriculture experts. provides Information on Crops cultivated in India. Not only scientific knowledge but practical aspects of Indian agriculture are taken care of. While this apps acts as a knowledge base on various topics related to Indian agriculture, it also support as a decision making tool for using appropriate pesticides after having detailed knowledge about various pests and diseases infesting the crops.
Choupal is a central place in an Indian village. Where many villagers or farmer gather on daily basis to chat about the current activities regarding politics, agriculture, games and girls.
CropInfo Choupal is a virtual choupal being created using technology. To provide a common platform to Agriculture experts, Scientist, Students, Retailers and Farmers for enhancement of Agricultural production and quality in India.
NEWS related to agriculture is gathered and provided regularly, A group on social sharing app having members who are expert in different areas of crop cultivation and marketing is provided. Wherein agronomist, fertilizer experts, crop protection experts, marketing and post harvest technology experts provides support to queries from farmers, field assistant and pesticide selling dealers. Images, audio & video of pest, disease or infested plants can be shared and solution for management sought from experts.
Crop Protection: Information on Insects, diseases & weeds infecting crops. Information on Insecticides, Fungicides and weedicides to manage pest on crops.
Directory of pesticides companies: A molecule (Chemical) used to manage pest on crop is available in several brands in the market, these brands belongs to different domestic and multinational companies. The CropInfo India app provides names of different brands which belong to same molecule along-with details of the company associated with respective brand.
Important Agriculture links: CropInfo India is compilation of information being gathered from various authentic online sources like, agriculture universities, agriculture and horticulture departments, associations and NGOs.
Links regarding crop insurance, market prices of crops (Mandi Bhav), weather forecast, rainfall status, seed and pesticides act, soil testing labs in India, Agri Clinics in India, Find dealers selling pesticides in India, Find dealers selling fertilizers in India and other important links. Where detailed information can be collected regarding crop cultivation in India.
Seed & Soil: This app provides basic knowledge on soil & seed along-with cultivation practices for various crops cultivated in India.
App language is English, however web contents can be translated to Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Bengali, Tamil, Telgu, Urdu, Kannada and Malayalam, using google translator.
Suggestions for improvement are most welcome.
New Home Page and bug fixes