Computers Learning Course
Education | 8.6MB
This Computer Course application is specially designed for the people who want to learn the basics of the computer operations. You can learn operating a computer in just 15 days via learning from this simple application. This application is in HINDI and explain all the things very clearly with images and simple text, so that anyone can understand and learn. It does not require you to be an expert in computer programming or english to learn computer basics.
Computer knowledge is the basic need in this fast growing world. You must know the basics of the computer, how to operate a computer, how to work on Microsoft word, excel and power point are essential for any professional and businessman.
Now a days computer has become part of our life. Everybody has a computer whether it is desktop, laptop or palmtop.
There are too many type of problems arises in computer system such as Dead computer, Keyboard problem, mouse, network, Hang, Software or booting problem.
Free computer course, learn basics to use the computer as well as the basic knowledge to surf the Internet, use email, use social networks, etc.
The course aims to be a computer manual to help you gain computer skills and as a first step to become an advanced computer user, which will serve to your daily life, your studies and work.
Computer Course Application covers following important topics:
- Computer and its Parts
- History of Computers
- Uses of Computers
- Software and Hardware
- Keyboard Basics
- Introduction to Windows
- Fundamentals of Basic Computer Operations
- Basics of Computer Hardware
- Type of Printers and How to operate a Printer
- Generations of Computer and Types of Computers
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Pagemaker
- Types of Monitors (LCD and CRT)
- Various Ports and Modem
- Tricks and Tips for daily computer use
- Microsoft Word
- Many More Topic
- Features of a help file
- Undo your mistakes
- Downloading and uploading
- Getting free software
- How to set up a Wifi network
- How to update your software
- Customizing your desktop background
- Removing virus from your computer
- How to set up a new printer
- How to power cycle a device
- Stop apps from running on startup
- Keep and old PC running smoothly
- Installing software on Windows
- Installing software on Mac
This application is complete FREE to use and you can share this with your friends, family members, loved ones and all other people, so that we can help each and everyone to learn computer. We have build this application in HINDI and in very simple language, so that everyone can learn from this application.
कंप्यूटर पर सामान्य ज्ञान प्रश्नोत्तरी सेट के प्रश्नों का संकलन किया गया है। यह आपको न सिर्फ प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं जैसे आईएएस, पीएससी, एसएससी, रेलवे आदि में मददगार साबित होगा बल्कि शैक्षणिक परीक्षाओं में भी सहयोगी होगा । आशा है यह एप्प आपको पसंद आएगा।
The question and answers are based on the following chapters.
- introduction of computer
- basic computer organisation
- number system
- computer codes ,arithmetic
- processor and memory
- input and output devices
- computer software
- programming language
- operating system etc.
- introduction of computer
- Basics of Computer Hardware
- Type of Printers and How to operate a Printer
- Generations of Computer and Types of Computers
- Types of Monitors (LCD and CRT)
- Various Ports and Modem
- computer in hindi
- computer full form
- computer price
- computer history
- information about computer in hindi
- computer notes in hindi
- computer fundamentals
- Fundamentals of Basic Computer Operations
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Powerpoint
- computer gk questions with answers in hindi
- computer knowledge in hindi objective type question answer
- computer gk in hindi objective questions
- computer question and answer in hindi
- computer gyan in hindi
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Pagemaker
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