Compass 9: Smart Compass
Tools | 26.3MB
[2020 KCA App Awards Ranked as App of the Year]
Simple and useful when it comes down to travel, camping, moving out, interior decision, DIY etc.
√ How to use Smart compass
· When you are lost during traveling, camping, climbing, you’ll figure out where you are with our marvelous Smart Compass application. ( Able to check your current real-time location)
· It is also able to tell you where you are now exactly without searching.
√ Notification bar
· On the Lock screen, you can also quickly and easily check the directions in the Notification bar.
· Use the compass9 without worrying about battery consumption.
· Not only direction, but temperature, humidity, and fine dust can be checked all at once.
√ Example of SmartHorizon
· You’ll able to check, if your furniture, washing machine, shelves, and photo frame are adjusted in a right angle.
√ Major techniques
·Able to measure horizon, vertical side.
·Three types of background colours
√ Precautions(Compass)
· Depending on your mobile phone’s terminal sensor or the surrounding environment, accuracy may be reduced.
·Use it in places where electronic equipment or magnetic fields do not occur to increase accuracy.
·If the compass accuracy drops, shake your mobile ‘8’ way.
[App access authority]
-Access permission is acceptable when it’s confirmed by user
· Location information: Indicate user’s current location, address, vertical angle, horizon angle.