Chaitanya Ayurved
Health & Fitness | 5.5MB
Ayurveda is the traditional healing modality of the Vedic culture from India. It is said to be 2000 to 5000 years old, meaning it has stood the test of time.
The main problems with the present system are user has to go through many unknown sites or has to go through a lot of garbage data to get specific information.
Finally they may get the data they wanted or they may even get unrelated information’s. Another option is to buy a lot of costly books which is also not reliable.
The problems with these two are that one must have frequent internet connection otherwise they need to carry heavy books all the time, which is not possible to all. So to overcome the above specified drawbacks this application is proposed. The Application information Available in English and Marathi both Language
The App Include Following Feature
1. Book Appointment Through App
2. Importance Of Panchkarma For Healthy Life
3.Children Precaution Tips
4. Diet For Healthy Life
you can also directly call through App call for action is provided in app
Media & documents section added.