CarDekho: Buy New & Used Cars

CarDekho: Buy New & Used Cars

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Looking to buy or sell a car, or seeking the most in-depth expert reviews? Choose the CarDekho app. With CarDekho, you'll always find the best price and bharosa.
Explore an extensive catalog of 30 leading car brands like Maruti, Hyundai, Tata, Mahindra, Toyota, Kia, MG motors, Renault, Honda, alongside luxury names such as BMW Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Volvo, and Jaguar.
Simplify your car-buying experience with a modern touch. Access the latest automobile news, captivating car videos and car photos, best prices, authentic customer reviews, new car launches, updates, and a 360° view of both interior and exterior.
Use our car valuation tool to determine the right price and effortlessly connect with a wide network of dealers in your city. CarDekho ensures a hassle-free experience for all your car-related needs, including insights from our in-house experts.
Stay updated with the latest car prices and upcoming car launches. Use our comprehensive Car Comparison feature to find the perfect match for your requirements, considering aspects like car features, price, mileage, seating capacity, fuel efficiency, performance, and safety.
Our app provides an immersive 360° view of both the interior and exterior of every car on the market today. Scroll through expert car reviews delivered by our team of auto journalists, car loan and finance options, car insurance best deals and discounts, and connect with the right car dealers in your area. Stay informed about the latest CNG cars and electric car options, and locate EV charging stations in your area effortlessly.
Sell your used car for the best price from the comfort of your couch.
Book a home inspection and get a quick valuation of your car in just a few clicks.
- Instant payment
- Free RC transfer
- Hassle-free paperwork
- Get home inspection
Looking to buy a second-hand car? We offer you an immersive used car buying experience, backed by detailed information and photos.
- Connected Cars: Install CarDekho's smart GPS device and stay connected to your vehicle 24/7. Set geofence alerts, track trip history, and even create your own personalized alerts for added security.
- Challan Check & Challan Payment: Check and pay your pending vehicle challans online.
- RTO Records: Complete history and information of any vehicle through RTO records.
- Car Service History: Complete service history, maintenance & repair records of your car.
- Car Inspection: Detailed report of your car by expert evaluators with doorstep car inspection.
- Doorstep Car Service: Car wash, system scans, oil and filter replacements, interior vacuuming & more.
- Car Care Services: Affordable & professional doorstep car wash services - deep cleaning, paint protection, polish, exterior surface cleaning.
Download the CarDekho app now and visit for an unmatched car buying experience!

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What's New CarDekho: Buy New & Used Cars

CarDekho: Badhte India ka bharosa
- Introducing Car Services - users can now check/pay challan, book car service, fetch RTO records etc
- Users can now use Truecaller to one tap login
- Locate EV charging stations near you on EV model pages
- Fixed Connected Cars real time view location issue
- Bug Fixes and improvements




Requires: Android 5.0 or later


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