CS Interview FAQs
Education | 1.1MB
This Application has a collection of computer science interview FAQs. For any suggestions on improvement/adding additional FAQs please mail me @ santumuchetty@gmail.com
Steps to use the application:
1. Select the FAQs (C, C , DataStructure, OpeartingSystem & GeneralConcepts)
2. From the list of questions displayed select a question
3. Check the answer
4. Zoom buttons can be used to zoom-in/zoom-out the font size of the questions
5. Answer fonts can be zoom-in/zoom-out using MultiTouch
6. Go To menu->Help for displaying help
All the best for your interview. Thank you for using my app :)
Version 1.0: Fresh release
Version 1.1: Added C FAQs
Version 1.12: Added AdMob for displaying adds
Version 1.13: Changed look and feel of the app
Version 1.13: Modified look and feel of answers screen