Auto Dialer Software - Calley
Productivity | 14.9MB
Calling your prospects for promotions, events or for business has always been a most important part of a sales & marketing cycle. Bulk calling includes huge labor of dialing numbers manually and updating xls files. Calley - Automatic Call Dailer solves this problem of teams by allowing them to create an account on and uploading the list of users to be called to the online panel.
Upload the lists of users you want to call on your account on and sync it on the Calley app on your mobile phone. Now all you need to do is click on "Start Calling" and the app will start making automatic calls to the desired numbers. You can update notes after each call or even reschedule call to be made at the end of the list.
Once done you can send your call feedback back to your email directly from the app.
To view how you can add numbers on your Calley app and make best out of it please see our getting started videos on the youtube channel we have -
Please give us your feedback on the app! Thanks for using Calley!
Team Calley
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Note :
To be able to use this app you will need to create an account at
In case you face an issue in configuring the app please feel free to write us at