Balkan Radio Stanice
Music & Audio | 4.1MB
Slušajte radio stanice uživo sa Balkana iz bivše Jugoslavije (Ex YU).
Veliki izbor radio stanica uživo iz svih bivših Jugoslovenskih republika:
Srbija, Bosna i Hercegovina (BiH), Hrvatska, Slovenija, Makedonija, Crna Gora (Montenegro), kao i radio stanice iz dijaspore.
Trudimo se da na dnevnom nivou ispravljamo postojeće podatke radio stanica, kao i dodavanje novih.
Ako neka od Vaših omiljenih radio stanica ne radi, možete preuzeti nove i osvežene radio stanice direktno iz aplikacije.
Aplikacija Balkan Radio Stanice neće opterećivati Vaš uređaj kada je ugašena.
Jednom u 3 dana, samo ako startujete aplikaciju, se preuzimaju novi i osveženi podaci o radio stanicama.
Neke od funkcija aplikacije Balkan Radio Stanice:
- Kategorije radio stanica po državama i po vrsti muzike.
- Istorija radio stanica (stanice koje ste slušali).
- Omiljene radio stanice (možete dodati radio stanicu u omiljene klikom na zvezdicu u donjem desnom uglu).
- Pretraga radio stanica.
- Automatsko pauziranje radio stanica, tajmirajte kada želite da se radio stanica automatski pauzira (samo na uređajima sa Android 5.0 i novijim operativnim sistemom).
- Uživo uvid u broj slušalaca izabrane radio stanice (broj se odnosi na slušaoce iz naših mobilnih aplikacija i našeg web sajta).
- Naziv pesme koju trenutno slušate (ukoliko radio stanica ima podršku).
- Omogućen rad aplikacije sa ugašenim ekranom.
- U slučaju poziva (uključujući i mesendžere), radio stanica će se pauzirati i po završetku poziva radio stanica će se automatski startovati.
- Radio stanice su sortirane po slušanosti. Najslušanije radio stanice će biti prikazane prve.
- Aplikaciju gasite klikom na dugme nazad (back) ili iz menija, sa izborom da radio stanica koju slušate ostane da radi u pozadini ili ne.
Nešto nije do nas:
- Neke radio stanice imaju limite za maksimalni broj slušalaca, pa će delovati kao da ne rade, molimo Vas pokušajte ponovo za nekoliko minuta.
- Nekim radio stanicama treba i do 20 sekundi da se pokrenu (u zavisnosti do kodeka), pokretanje radio stanica je znatno brže na uređajima sa Android 5.0 i novijim operativnim sistemom.
- Neke radio stanice nemaju listu pesama uživo.
Aplikacija koristi Internet za slušanje radio stanica uživo i preuzimanje podataka o radio stanicama.
Ukoliko slušate radio stanicu preko mobilnog Interneta, imajte na umu da će Vam mobilni operater tarifirati na osnovu ostvarenog protoka.
Listen to the radio station live from the Balkans Former Yugoslavia (Ex YU).
Large selection of live radio stations from all former Yugoslav republics:
Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro (Montenegro), as well as radio stations from abroad.
We are working on a daily basis correcting existing data radio station, as well as adding new ones.
If one of your favorite radio station does not work, you can download new and updated radio stations directly from the application.
Application Balkan Radio Stations will not burden your device when it is off.
Once in 3 days, only if you start an application, are downloaded and updated information about radio stations.
Some of the features of the application Balkan Radio Stations:
- Categories of radio stations by country and by type of music.
- History of radio stations (stations that you listen to).
- Favorite radio station (you can add radio station to favorites by clicking the star in the lower right corner).
- Search for radio stations.
- Automatically pause radio station, tajmirajte you want the radio station automatically paused (only on devices with Android 5.0 and newer operating system).
- Live insight into the number of listeners selected radio station (the number refers to the listeners of our mobile applications and our web site).
- The name of the song you're currently listening to (if radio is supported).
- Enabled with OFF operation of the application screen.
- In the case of the call (including Messenger), radio will pause after the call and the radio station will start automatically.
- Radio stations are sorted by the listeners. The most listened to radio station will be displayed first.
- turn off the application by clicking the Back button (back), or from the menu with the choice of radio station you're listening to remain in the background or not.
Something's up to us:
- Some radio stations have limits on the maximum number of listeners, but will act as if it does not work, please try again in a few minutes.
- Some radio stations takes up to 20 seconds to run (depending to the codec), the launch of radio stations is much faster on devices with Android 5.0 and newer operating system.
- Some radio stations do not have a playlist live.
The application uses the Internet to listen to radio stations live and downloading data on radio stations.
If you are listening to the radio station via the mobile Internet, keep in mind that if you mobile operator data charges from the resulting flow.
- Od sada mozete oceniti radio stanice