Biblioteca Tarijeña del Bicentenario
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Tarija, Bolivia, America... Historia, literatura, poesia, ciencias sociales.
Accede gratuitamente a libros digitales de la Biblioteca Tarijena del Bicentenario BTB.
La BTB creada en 2018 nace como parte del Programa del Bicentenario de la Batalla de La Tablada de Tarija, implementado durante el 2017 y desarrollado por la Comision Tecnica
Departamental del Bicentenario, para universalizar la produccion tarijena, fomentando al mismo tiempo la lecto-escritura.
La BTB se inicia como un esfuerzo conjunto entre el Gobierno Autonomo del Departamento de Tarija y la Universidad Catolica Boliviana.
Inicialmente se presenta la primera coleccion, con 7 textos en formato PDF. Periodicamente se iran publicando otros libros, tanto reediciones, como nuevos trabajos.
Tarija, Bolivia, America ... History, literature, poetry, social sciences.
Access free digital books from the Tarijena Library of the BTB Bicentennial.
The BTB created in 2018 was born as part of the Bicentennial Program of the Battle of La Tablada de Tarija, implemented during 2017 and developed by the Technical Commission
Departmental of the Bicentennial, to universalize tarijena production, promoting at the same time the reading and writing.
The BTB begins as a joint effort between the Autonomous Government of the Department of Tarija and the Bolivian Catholic University.
Initially the first collection is presented, with 7 texts in PDF format. Periodically they will publish other books, both reprints, and new works.
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