Avestan Keyboard plugin
Productivity | 747.1KB
Avestan plugin for Multiling O Keyboard. This is not an independent app, please install OKeyboard along with this plugin.
⑴ Install this plugin and
Multiling O Keyboard
⑵ Run O Keyboard and follow its setup guide.
⑶ Slide space bar to switch languages.
Please email if you have any questions.
The Avestan alphabet is a writing system developed during Iran's Sassanid era (226 CE–651) to render the Avestan language.
As a side effect of its development, the script was also used for Pazend, a method of writing Middle Persian that was used primarily for the Zend commentaries on the texts of the Avesta. In the texts of Zoroastrian tradition, the alphabet is referred to as din dabireh or din dabiri, Middle Persian for "the religion's script".
Photo: Gray Lake by Romain Guy