All Weather Live Forecast Live Maps New 2020
Weather | 5.6MB
- Real time weather maps & weather graph to show most accurate weather conditions like Rain, snow, clouds, wind, temperature, Humidity, wave, pressure, current.
- Weekly, daily, hourly forecast
- Full report parameters: location time, temperature, atmospheric pressure, weather condition, visibility distance, relative humidity, precipitation in different unites, dew point, wind speed and direction...
- Units: Temperature (C/F), Time format (12h/24h), Precipitation (mm, inch), wind speed (km/h, mi/h, m/s, knot), pressure (inHg, hPa, mbar)
- Detect location by GPS and network
- Search and manage multiple locations
- Notification supported
- Real time update widget
- View detail of daily weather and hourly weather.
- Chart to manage and view hourly and daily weather.
- Long range forecast: Today, tomorrow, and up to 7 days.
- Transparent widgets with a lot of weather widget styles, all sizes supported
- Choose your favorite theme from the list according to the weather temperature
- eg Snow theme, Sunset theme, Sunrise theme, Sunny theme and many more
Webview content:
Some place in app, we use webview to load content, the data content is provided by OpenWeatherAPI, all our implement fit the policy and we are authorized to use this content in the app.
If any problem, please contact us at, we have proof document.
Crash fixed