Age Calculator
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Age Calculator , Time Calculator , Moon Calculator in one App
This is an absolutely freeware application which helps you to calculate difference between two dates(With and Without Time) in Years/Months/Days/Hours/Minutes and difference in Total Weeks/Days/Hours and etc.
In addition to these difference it calculate the Full Moon and Black(New) Moon which lies between these days.
For example if you are calculating your age it may be interesting to find how much Full Moon/New Moon you have covered.
In some part of World people celebrate while they cross 1000 Full Moons.
(In 84th birthday they celebrate this as Shathabhishekam).
In the moon view option you can view the Moon Phase of a specific day.
By Default it assumes Today (Current Date of your mobile) and shows Moon Phase.
By swiping the Moon the day increase and decrease respectively and shows that days moon phase.
Directly you can jump to a longer Date by selecting the date which shows at Top.
For Example the moon phase of your Birth Day or else. It also shows the Present/Past and future Black(New) Moon – Full Moon date with its accurate time for the selected day.