A Educare
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About A Educare
A Educare is an excellent ideal coaching centre launched by a group of eminent and experienced professionals in the broad way of competitive exams. Established in March 2013 now
functions in a purpose to built
with modern facilities at different places.
You can find a motivating and supportive learning environment to promote academic achievement and positive personal growth necessary to be successful.
Our vision is to be a centre and model of excellence in educating students and be the best platform for their overall development and empowerment by refining education through innovations.
To inculcate confidence through academic competence and development for success in life.
We strive to kindle the hidden potential of our student and give them a platform to exhibit their ability and explore their limit.
Our distinct features.
Strict Discipline
Experienced faculties
Healthy Parent – Teacher relation
Timely Scheduled Classes, Exams & Systematic Progress Reporting
Printed notes and study materials
Special Attention for Below average Students
The state of the center itself is the key distinguished feature, giving students the feeling that they are living in an academic community. A Educare is more than a typical coaching center: we provide a vibrant learning environment, providing students with the vision to think and act beyond the limits of the students.
Our belief in providing a complete education is clearly reflected in our facilities.
Salient features:
Spacious – Classrooms.
Technology Integrated Classrooms : Visual monitoring facility.
Library to facilitate wide reading.
Continuous and Comprehensive evaluation
Continuous and Comprehensive evaluation methods are implemented to ensure the performance of students. The method adapts assessments and instructions based on student’s response. Comprehensive Evaluation is done on a continuous bases through the year.
Test and examinations
Monthly tests and two terminal examinations are held in an academic year.
The dates of monthly test and terminal examinations are mentioned before two weeks
A student not appearing in the tests will be marked absent and would be discredited for the same
If a student is absent in the examination, she/ he has to appear in the examination afterwards as and when decided by the principal
A pupil who has arrears of fee dues of any other kind will not be permitted to sit for the examination.
Request for a second examination other than what the ‘A Educare’ has envisaged will not be entertained on any grounds.
Rules and regulations
The class room premises should be kept neat and tidy
Pupils with irregular attendance, habitual laziness and idleness, major misconduct and disobedience are liable to dismissed.
Every student must possess the academic diary and it should be brought every day.
Students are not permitted to wear indecent dresses. Cleanliness in person and cloths is
expected for every child
Students should bring books and class accessories
according to the time table every day.
Late comers should bring signature at the attendance book.
Students who commute to A Educare
must be on time.
Students are not to carry mobile phones/ electronic gadgets.
They will walk in a line in perfect silence.
Parents are also requested to
Communicate change of phone no. or any information to the principal
Telephone calls to teaching staff are strictly prohibited during the class hours.
Drop your child at least 5 minutes before the bell.
Promptly record the ‘Leave of Absence’ in the academic diary
A pupil who has arrears of fee dues of any other kind will not be permitted to sit for the examination.
The payment of fee should be at time.
Parents must attend the PTA meeting.
The parents should be check and sign the study charts given properly.
For more than 2 days of absence students should come along with parent.
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