A2i Media
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The influx of migrants and supported at the European coast with its share of annoyances: capsizing canoes (number of significant dead), reception problems, development of populist and xenophobic political parties caused by public discontent at host countries, depopulation in the country, that the world now knows and continue to know a crisis due to a strong South human migration north and this brings both a batch disadvantages and advantages for the host country and origin.
It is in this contexe what created our association "ACT WITH INFORMATION FOR IMMIGRANTS" A2i the chain 100% immigration, which was born from the synergy of people who decided to unite their strength, skill and their material and financial resources to participate with the help of new technologies to inform on immigration.
Indeed, as immigrants we realized that the phenomenon of immigration is reaching worrying proportions and dangerous, and we said, as actors of immigration, we must be able to diagnose various problems we face, trying to offer solutions and talk as much as possible with the help of new technologies like the popular social networking and television.
The various problems identified rotate essentially around:
the ignorance of the laws and regulations in host countries mainly due to a high rate of illiteracy
of unequal treatment on the labor market in general by the non-recognition of diplomas, lack of acceptance of skills
a lack of knowledge of local languages and cultures in general favored by discriminatory attitudes and the lack of openness towards immigrants
the long term for issuing administrative documents either to asylum seekers, family reunification etc ...., also constitutes an obstacle for the integration of immigrants
of distilled misinformation by us immigrants on our daily realities of life in the host countries no longer dreamed Eldorado, which in part encourages illegal immigration by mass.
Following the identification of some of the problems that hinder successful integration, we recommend, and try to inform through our website www.a2itv.com .And mainly to emissions, debates and reports with television because the understanding that people do not read or just because he or are illiterate or they lack time.
This information, which will also apply to the contenders for immigration will focus primarily on:
The current realities at the level of host countries or sought
awareness about the evils of illegal immigration
The daily life of immigrants cultural, associative, religious, sports ..., which will show their way of life that does not differ as a rule the lifestyle of their country of origin
laws and regulations in force in the host country for immigration.
the discovery of key public services that help good integration
In doing so, we hope to contribute to our manner, good integration in the host countries, to fight against illegal immigration, helping to offset the aging of the European population and help people who want and able to think of returning to the level of the country.
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