11th Class Geography Notes in Hindi

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11th Class Geography Notes in Hindi
Hello friends, please, once you download my app, it is the notes of both the books of class 11 in
geography and that too in simple language
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!.............................भाग -
1) भूगोल एक विषय के रूप में
2) पृथ्वी की उत्पत्ति एवं विकास
3) पृथ्वी की आन्तरिक संरचना
4) महासागरों और महाद्वीपों का विवरण
5) खनिज एवं शैल
6) भू-आकृतिक प्रक्रियाएँ
7) भू-आकृतियाँ तथा उनका विकास
8) वायुमंडल का संघटन एवं संरचना
9) सौर विकरण, ऊष्मा सन्तुलन एवं संरचना
10) वायुमण्डलीय परिसंचरण तथा मौसमी प्रणलियाँ
11) वायुमण्डल में जल
12) विश्व की जलवायु
13) महासागरीय जल
महासागरीय जल संचलन
15) पृथ्वी पर जीवन
16) जैव विविधता एवं संरक्षण
!...............................भाग - ख................................!
1) भारत की स्थिति
2) संरचना तथ भू-आकृति विज्ञान
3) अपवाह तंत्र
4) जलवायु
5) प्राकृतिक वनस्पति
6) मृदाएँ।
7) प्राकृतिक आपदाएँ और संकट
* important Text
CBSE Class 11th Geography Notes in hindi Value Based Questions (11th Geography Notes in hindi ). Value based questions are very important and
always form part of examinations and class tests. Students are requested to download the 11th class Geography Notes in hindi and
them to get better marks in examinations.Value Based Questions Class XI Geography Notes in hindi
Class 11th Geography Notes in hindi NCERT Solutions app is specially designed for the CBSE class 11th students to help them prepare for their exams. It also helps them throughout the year to complete their homework on time and double check the answers.
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Gmail ld: Dilawarkmr@gmail.com

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What's New 11th Class Geography Notes in Hindi

11th Class Geography Notes in Hindi
Hello friends, please, once you download my app, it is the notes of both the books of class 11 in
geography and that too in simple language



Version: 0.9

Requires: Android 4.4 or later


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