100+ Ceramah Ustad Tile MP3
Education | 4.8MB
Ceramah Ustad Tile MP3 adalah aplikasi yang berisi tanya jawab dan ceramah, murottal Al-Quran, shalawat, nasyid yang terbaik pilihan editor. Lewat Ceramah Ustad Tile MP3, anda bisa mendengarkan tanya jawab dan ceramah, murottal Al-Quran, shalawat, nasyid selama yang anda inginkan dengan mudah, tinggal sentuh item pada daftar yang ada. Aplikasi ini terinspirasi dari pengguna masyarakat Indonesia yang suka mendengarkan tanya jawab dan ceramah, murottal Al-Quran, shalawat, nasyid melalui televisi maupun live.
.:. Perhatian .:.
Sebelum menggunakan aplikasi ini pastikan:
* Smartphone/Tablet milik pengguna sudah terkoneksi dengan Internet yang stabil dan tidak lambat.
.:. Konten Utama .:.
* 100+ Tanya Jawab dan Ceramah Ustadz Tile (Nur Fadillah)
Bonus konten yang tersedia antara lain:
* Ceramah
** 100+ Tanya Jawab dan Ceramah KH Abdullah Gymnastiar (AA Gym)
** 100+ Tanya Jawab dan Ceramah Ustadz Yusuf Mansur
** 100+ Tanya Jawab dan Ceramah Ustadz Tile (Nur Fadillah)
** 200+ Tanya Jawab dan Ceramah Ustadz Felix Siauw
** 200+ Tanya Jawab dan Ceramah Ustadz Evie Effendi
** 200+ Tanya Jawab dan Ceramah KH Zainuddin MZ
** 200+ Tanya Jawab dan Ceramah Yahya Waloni
** 400+ Tanya Jawab dan Ceramah Ustadz Abdul Somad Lc., MA
** 1200+ Tanya Jawab dan Ceramah Ustadz Adi Hidayat Lc., MA
** 1200+ Tanya Jawab dan Ceramah Ustadz Dr. Khalid Basalamah MA
** Tanya Jawab dan Ceramah Ustadz Hanan Attaki
** Tanya Jawab dan Ceramah Cak Nun
** Tanya Jawab dan Ceramah KHA Anwar Zahid
* Murottal Al-Qur'an
** Abdul Rahman Al Ossi
** Abdul Rahman Al Sudais
** H Muammar ZA
** Hani Ar Rifa'i
** Hazza Al Balushi
** Mansur Al Salimi
** Mishary Rashid Alafasy
** Muzammil Hasballah
** Zain Abu Kautsar
* Shalawat
** Al Firdaus Ensemble
** Gus Azmi & Syubannul Muslimin
** Habib Syech & Ahbabul Musthofa
** Shalawat KHA Anwar Zahid & Anak
** Cak Nun dan Kiai Kanjeng
** Mostafa Atef
** Puja Syarma (Aceh)
** Sabyan Gambus
** Shalawat Anak
* Nasheed/Lagu Religi
** 15+ Lagu Religi Bimbo
** 80+ Nasyid Merciful Servant
** 100+ Nasyid Raihan
.:. Fitur-fitur .:.
* Audio bisa diunduh kapan saja
* Unduhan audio tidak terbatas
* Tidak ada spam adverstising
* Play audio via mobile data or wifi
* Browseable playlist
* Play audio secara offline
* Pencarian audio berdasarkan judul
** Main playlist (Refresh list)
** Ceramah playlist
** Murottal Al-Qur'an playlist
** Shalawat playlist
** Nasyid playlist
** Favourite playlist
** Download playlist
** Play in-background
** Update konten tanya jawab, ceramah, murottal al-Qur'an, shalawat, nasyid harian/mingguan
* Playback
** Play
** Pause
** Next
** Previous
** Shuffle
** Repeat
Semua berkas ceramah dan tanya jawab yang ada didalam aplikasi tidak tersimpan di aplikasi melainkan bersumber dari internet, jika ada yang pelanggaran yang tidak ingin ditayangkan dalam aplikasi ini bisa menghubungi kontak developer kami. Aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk pecinta Ceramah Ustad Tile MP3 yang suka mendengarkan dan mengunduh tanya jawab, ceramah, murottal al-Qur'an, shalawat, nasyid dan lain-lain.
Silahkan install aplikasi ini, nikmati Ceramah Ustad Tile MP3! Jangan lupa rate, berikan komentar dan share kepada teman-teman anda, Terima Kasih.
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Disclaimer: All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engine and website. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creators, scholars and TV/Music labels are concerned. If you are the copyright holder of the content contained in this application and are not pleasing your content displayed, please contact us via email developer and tell us about the status of your ownership on the content.
Lectures Tile Ustad MP3 is an application that contains frequently asked questions and speeches, murottal Quran, and prayers, best nasyid editor's choice. Through lectures Tile Ustad MP3, you can listen to the question and answer and lectures, murottal Quran, and prayers, nasyid as long as you want with ease, just tap an existing item in the list. This app was inspired by the Indonesian people who like to listen to the question and answer and lectures, murottal Quran, and prayers, nasyid via television or live.
.:. Attention.:.
Before using this application make sure:
* Smartphone / Tablet users are already connected to the Internet that is stable and not slow.
.:. Main Content.:.
* 100+ FAQ and Lectures Ustadz Tile (Nur Fadillah)
Bonus content available include:
* Lecture
** 100 + FAQ and lectures KH Abdullah Gymnastiar (AA Gym)
** 100 + FAQ and Lectures Yusuf Mansur
** 100 + FAQ and Lectures Ustadz Tile (Nur Fadillah)
** 200+ FAQ and Lectures Ustadz Felix Siauw
** 200+ FAQ and Lectures Ustadz Evie Effendi
** 200+ FAQ and Lectures KH Zainuddin MZ
** 200+ FAQ and Lectures Yahya Waloni
** 400 + FAQ and Lectures Ustadz Abdul Somad Lc., MA
** 1200+ FAQ and Lectures Ustadz Adi Hidayat Lc., MA
** 1200+ FAQ and Lectures Ustadz Dr Khalid Basalamah MA
** FAQ and Lectures Ustadz Hanan Attaki
** FAQ and Lectures Cak Nun
** FAQ and Lectures CRC Anwar Zahid
* Murottal Qur'an
** Abdul Rahman Al Ossi
** Abdul Rahman Al Sudais
** H Muammar ZA
** Hani Ar Rifa'i
** Hazza Al Balushi
** Mansur Al Salimi
** Mishary Rashid Alafasy
** Muzammil Hasballah
** Zain Abu Kawthar
* segue
** Al Firdaus Ensemble
** Gus Azmi & Syubannul Muslims
** Habib Sych & Ahbabul Musthofa
** segue CRC Anwar Zahid & Son
** Cak Nun and Kiai Kanjeng
** Mostafa Atef
** Puja Syarma (Aceh)
** Sabyan Lute
** segue Children
* Nasheed / Religious Songs
** 15+ Religious Songs Bimbo
** 80+ Nasyid Merciful Servant
** 100+ Nasyid Raihan
.:. Features.:.
* Audio can be downloaded anytime
* Downloadable audio is not limited
* No spam adverstising
* Play audio via Mobile data or wifi
* BROWSEABLE playlist
* Play audio offline
* Audio Search by title
** Main playlist (Refresh list)
** Lectures playlist
** Murottal Qur'an playlist
** segue playlist
** Nasyid playlist
** Favorite playlist
** Download playlist
** Play in-background
** Update debriefing content, lectures, murottal Quran, and prayers, nasyid daily / weekly
* Playback
** Play
** Pause
** Next
** Previous
** Shuffle
** Repeat
All lectures and question and answer files that are in the application is not stored in the application, but sourced from the Internet, if there are violations that are not willing to serve in this application developer can contact contact us. This application aims to lovers Tile Lecture MP3 Ustad who like to listen and download debriefing, lectures, murottal Quran, and prayers, nasyid and others.
Please install this application, Lecture enjoy Tile Ustad MP3! Do not forget to rate, comment and share to your friends, Thanks.
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Ustad tile nur latest fadillah
Disclaimer: All of the content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from the search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creators, scholars and TV / Music labels are concerned. If you are the copyright holder of the content contained in this application and are not pleasing your content displayed, please contact us via email developer and tell us about the status of your ownership on the content.
* Update konten tanya jawab, ceramah, murottal al-Qur'an, shalawat, nasyid harian/mingguan
* Audio bisa diunduh kapan saja
* Unduhan audio tidak terbatas
* Tidak ada spam adverstising
* Play audio via mobile data or wifi
* Playlist mudah dijelajahi
* Play audio secara offline
* Pencarian audio berdasarkan judul
* Main playlist (Refresh list)
* Ceramah playlist
* Murottal Al-Qur'an playlist
* Shalawat playlist
* Nasyid playlist
* Favourite playlist
* Download playlist
* Play in-background