Signature Lock Screen - Draw something on lock screen to unlock your phone.
Signature lock screen is the best way to secure your data and your phone with Signature or password.
Draw letters, draw numbers, draw shapes, draw signatures and draw contextual Signature to unlock.
Signature Lock Screen application has feature of creating new Signature, change color of Signature, change background theme of Signature
and also new Signature can be created if you want to change the old Signature.
Features of locks are-
1. Prevent Unauthorized Access
2. Invisible path to Unlock Pattern/lock change every minute.
3. Helps preventing accidental calling.
4. Prevents others from using your device.
5. Superbly rich graphics.
6. Consume less memory and battery, Simple and Clean device.
7. 100% safe and secure
8. 12 hour and 24 hour format both supported
9. Unlock vibration enable/disable
10. Unlock sound enable/disable
11. Highly secure lock screens
12. Choice to set knock position on screen.
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