Catalog your 4K UHD, Blu-ray and DVD collection. Just scan their barcodes.
The only movie database app with an official IMDb data license!
Pricing: $14.99 per year. Free 7-day trial.
* Keep track of your collection and your wish list
Organize your movies and TV series. All movie formats are supported, including 4K UHD, Blu-ray, DVD, HD-DVD, LaserDisc, VHS, UMD video, etc..
* Easily add movies to your movie inventory, using our CLZ Core online movie database
Three ways to catalog movies:
1. scan barcodes
2. search by title
3. search by IMDb Number or IMDb URL
* Automatically download movie details, cover images and more
Get full movie info straight from IMDb, like cast, crew, plot, episode lists, IMDb Ratings & Votes (updated daily!), audience ratings (like MPAA, BBFC, etc..).
Our own Core database also gives you cover art, trailer videos, backdrop art, etc...
* Edit your movie entries to add personal info
Like purchase date / price / store, location, rating, notes, etc..
Edit films one by one or use Edit Multiple for batch editing many movies in one go!
** Use our CLZ Cloud service to:
1. Share your app subscription to other mobile devices, without paying again.
2. Sync your movie library between devices (e.g. your phones and tablets).
3. View and share your movie collection online, using the CLZ Cloud viewer website.
4. Always have an online cloud-backup of your movie organizer database.
5. Sync data to/from our Movie Connect web-based software (separate subscription).
** View collection totals and charts in the Statistics screen
Total movies and TV series, most recent additions, charts by format, by genre, by director, by actor by IMDb rating and by release year.
** Browse, sort, group and search your movie inventory in many ways
Browse your collection as a list or as a "cover wall" with resizable cover thumbnails!
Sort by title, year, runtime, IMDb rating, date added etc.. Group your movies into folders by format, direct, genre, year, etc... Or just use the search box top right.
** Questions or concerns? Just contact us! *
We love to hear your feedback, we are here to help with any problems or concerns, 7 days a week. In the app, tap the menu icon top left, then choose Contact Support.
** Subscription pricing *
CLZ Movies is a subscription app, costing:
* $1.49 per month, when paying monthly
* $14.99 per year, when paying yearly (~ $1.25 per month)
For this subscription fee, you get:
* usage of this movie organizer app on multiple phones and tablets
* access to our Core online movie database, for full movie details, official IMDb cast/crew/plot, cover art, trailers, backdrops & daily updates to IMDb Ratings and Votes
* access to to our CLZ Cloud system, for syncing between devices, backups and online sharing
* regular app updates with new features and improvements
* access to our excellent customer support by email, 7 days a week
You can start a 7-day free trial from the app's start-up screen. The free trial automatically continues into the subscription of your choice. You can cancel your subscription anytime.
* Enhanced:
- When you disable the Pre-fill screen, the fields in Pre-fill will be emptied and not used anymore.