Challenge TB Project Overview:
Challenge TB is the flagship global mechanism for implementing USAID’s TB strategy
Challenge TB Project is being implemented in 22 countries including Bangladesh by a unique coalition of nine international organizations
Challenge TB
national and international initiatives in providing global leadership
national TB
control efforts
In Bangladesh, this project is being jointly implemented by Management Sciences for Health (MSH), KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation (KNCV) and Interactive Research & Development (IRD)
Challenge TB (CTB) is a technical assistance project, providing support to the NTP to reduce morbidity, mortality, and transmission of TB disease.
ChallengeTBiscarriedoutinacoordinatedmannerto address the following objectives:
Objective1: Improved access to high-quality patient-centeredTB,DR-TB &TB/HIV services
Objective2: Prevent transmission and disease progression
Objective3: Strengthen TB service delivery platforms
* Improved
* No SMS and call log permission needed