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1.6 for Android
5.0 | 10,000+ Lượt cài đặt

Joppi Silangit


I would like to recommend you an application with large number of downloaders. 20,000+ users downloaded Solmisasi latest version on 9Apps for free every week! It has been a popular app for a long time. This hot app was released on 2017-04-16. Get the latest version now!
Applications Solmization help learn the music for beginners. This application is processing numbers can not be edited and played results in the form of midi output. Results tone composition can also be displayed in the form of scores in the form of an image file that can be printed / print.
This application is perfect for beginners who want to learn not numbers. The tones that can be made directly audible tone is played along with the beat.
Solmization also can be used as a tool to create a song. Tones that comes to your mind can directly please register into the notation and lyrics. Shortcut tone along with the beat is very helpful in creating a song.
For arranger, application processing this number can not be used as a draft digital composition because it has 8 channels for sound composition. Tempo, a bar, a basic tone can be adjusted with the composition to be made.
For participants choir or chorus, can use the processor to note this number as a learning medium for the material choir. The composition of the choir can be entered into the program and can be played the entire composition or just certain compositions, such as the soprano, alto, tenor, or bass.
Make arransment choir can also be helped by the use of processing application note this figure. The end result of arransment can be directly printed in the form of sheet music.
The application has been updated and removed checkernya licenses. This application is 100% free. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause earlier versions of applications.


Thông tin bổ sung

  • Danh mục:
    Nhạc và Âm thanh
  • Phiên bản mới nhất:
  • Đã cập nhật:
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  • Yêu cầu:
    Android 3.0 or later
  • Nhà phát triển:
    Joppi Silangit
  • ID: