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Radio Mauritanie (Nouakchott, Mauritania) - 7245 kHz
Radio Mauritanie 783khz 29/09/2017 23:30 UTC
5T5OK, Mauritania AFRICA, 7MHz, RTTY, Worked by HL2WA
VK2DX on 17 meter with Tecsun PL600
783 kHz Radio Mauritanie Medium Wave DX Heard in Michigan on Perseus SDR + Phased BOG Antennas
4845 Radio Mauritanie 2359 UTC 1/9/2010
Hamradio Amateur radio DX reporting sites DXsummit and DXFuncluster are great to spot great DX
3B7A St Brandon 2018 DX Expedition as heard at NG0Z on the Icom 7610