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🔴ሀብታሙ በSeifu on EBS ሩሃማን ያልተቀበለበት ምክንያት እና ያልተጠበቀ ሚስጥር | Dallol Entertainment
🔴ከEBSTV የለቀቀዉ ጋዜጠኛና የንግስትና አብዮት በመጨረሻም መገናኘት - መሰሉ መድረክ ላይ ወደቀች | Dallol Entertainment
The Danakil Depression : Salt mining in one of the hottest places on earth
The HOTTEST PLACE on EARTH (Danakil Depression Ethiopia)
Uninhabitable Earth: No life exists in Ethiopia's acidic ponds in Dallol
🔴ብዙዎችን ያስደነገጠዉ የDNA ዉጤት በEyoha Media | Dallol Entertainment
🌡Trip to the Hottest Place on Earth (Dallol, Ethiopia) 🐪
Why Africa's Hottest Town Exists