CreateNote: Notes, Alarm, Colors, Text to Speech icon

CreateNote: Notes, Alarm, Colors, Text to Speech

3.1 for Android
4.4 | 100,000+ Lượt cài đặt


Mô tả của CreateNote: Notes, Alarm, Colors, Text to Speech

Simple application to create notes quickly, without endless menus with lots of options, just make note and save it. It will allow you to save any information you want a reminder, a shopping list, etc..
Including the option to share your notes for you to send Email, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc..
** Features:
- Share notes.
- Select a custom size letter.
- Customize each note with a different color, so you can classify and recognize them quickly.
- Sort notes by color, date of creation or modification and in alphabetical order.
- Add alarms, so you do not forget anything.
- You can export notes to a text file.
- Added an option to convert from text to speech.
- Different languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese

Tính năng Mới CreateNote: Notes, Alarm, Colors, Text to Speech 3.1

-The trash can function is included in case you want to recover an accidentally deleted note.
-Several errors are corrected with the new versions of Android when exporting the notes and when adding reminders.

Thông tin bổ sung

  • Danh mục:
    Năng suất
  • Phiên bản mới nhất:
  • Đã cập nhật:
  • Kích thước:
  • Yêu cầu:
    Android 4.0.3 or later
  • Nhà phát triển:
  • ID:
  • Available on: