Velg for Livery Bus

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Mô tả của

Banyak pemain yang bosan dengan model bus yang begitu aja, kami disini memfasilitasi pemain untuk berimajinasi dan memodif bus kesukaan.
Seperti bus Sugeng Rahayu, Eka, Mira, Rosalia Indah, Haryanto , livery bus simulator indonesia yg sudah bundle untuk memodif bus dan model bis lainya yang tidak kalah bagusnya, yang kemudian bosan dengan tampilan yang itu itu aja.
Kami disini memfasilitasi kreatifitas anda untuk desain dan mengubah bus anda sehingga terlihat Keren dan Ganteng/Cantik dalam segi modifikasi.
Bagaimna aplikasi ini bekerja?
- Pilih gambar
- Klik tombol folder untuk download gambar
- Potong jika diperlukan sesuai kebutuhan menggunakan editor gambar anda
- Masukan gambar tersebut di aplikasi Bus yang anda punya
Terima kasih sudah berpartisipasi dalam hal ini dan semoga bermanfaat dan Tetap Hargailah Karya-Karya Anak Bangsa
Many players are bored with just the bus models, we here facilitate players to imagine and modify favorite buses.
Like the bus Sugeng Rahayu, Eka, Mira, Rosalia Indah, Haryanto, Indonesia livery bus simulator that has been bundled to modify the bus and other bus models that are no less good, then just get bored with the appearance of that bus.
We here facilitate your creativity to design and change your bus so that it looks cool and handsome / beautiful in terms of modification.
How does this application work?
- Select image
- Click the folder button to download the image
- Cut if needed as needed using your image editor
- Enter the image in the Bus application that you have
Thank you for participating in this matter and hope that it will be useful and still value the works of the Children of the Nation

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Tính năng Mới Velg Bus Simulator ( BUSSiD )

Varian Velg Terbaik
- Add New Velg
- Mudah pemasangan
- Fix Bug
- Banyak jenis Velg
- Enjoy

Thông tin bổ sung

Đã cập nhật:

Phiên bản hiện tại: 1.0

Cần có Android: Android 4.1 or later


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