Tebak Nama Benda, Hewan dan Tanaman

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Permainan Tebakan Gambar Anak adalah sebuah permainan asah otak terbaru yang mana permainan Tebak Lingkungan sekitar disertai Gambar ini kami tujukan terutama untuk anak usia Sekolah Dasar.
Kamu sudah belajar dengan Tema tema yang ada di Kurikulum 2013? Tema K13 apa saja yang sudah kamu pelajari? silahkan tuliskan pada kolom review di bawah ya! sebanyak-banyaknya yang kamu ketahui. Dari Kelas 1, Kelas 2, Kelas 3, Kelas 4, Kelas 5 sampai kelas 6.
Nah, kali ini Developer App Kurikulum 2013 mau mengajak kamu bermain tebak-tebakan nih. Apa kamu sudah siap? Game tebak kata baru ini bukan teka-teki silang atau soal TTS, mungkin kalian sudah jenuh juga dengan Tebakan Gambar, Tebak Lagu, Tebak Mirip artis, tebak buah, tebak nama kendaraan, Tebak pemain asian games 2018, tebak logo klub sepakbola, tebak aku, tebak gila, tebak hantu, tebak-tebakan lucu dan sulit maupun cari kata.
Game ini adalah salah satu games asah otak mod terbaru, ya dengan memainkan game ini semoga terhibur dengan gambar yang ada, sekaligus belajar mengenai deskripsi dari hewan, benda, dan tanaman.
Semoga tebak tebakan soal terbaru dapat mengocok perut kamu dan dapat membuat kamu tertawa terpingkal-pingkal sampai jungkir balik setelah melihat gambar-gambar yang lucu.
Fitur Tebak Gambar Anak :
* Soal Deskripsi suatu benda;
* Soal Deskripsi seekor hewan;
* Soal Deskripsi sebatang tanaman;
* Soal tebak siapa aku
* soal tebak gambar dengan pertanyaan yang baru
* bukan TTS 2018
* bukan TTS 2019
* Rangkai huruf menjadi kata
* game susun huruf
* game susun kata
* Animasi lucu
* Terdapat 3 pilihan level (Mudah, sedang dan Sulit)
* HD Graphic
* Niche Sound games
Ayo kalau kamu sudah siap bermain sekaligus belajar, tunjukin pada ayah dan bunda serta kawan-kawanmu bahwa kamu mampu menyelesaikan petualangan tebakan gambar anak ini.
Mainkan dan bagikan game ini dengan kawan-kawanmu ya!
Dan jangan lupa selalu belajar latihan soal soal buat persiapan PTS, PAS, dan PAT.
::: Selamat Bermain ::::
Children's Picture guessing game is a new brain teaser game where Guess the Environment around with this Picture we aim primarily for elementary school age children.
Have you studied with the theme themes in the 2013 Curriculum? What K13 themes have you learned? please write in the review column below! as much as you know. From Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5 to grade 6.
Well, this time the 2013 Developer App Curriculum will invite you to play guessing. Are you ready? This new word guessing game is not a crossword puzzle or TTS question, maybe you are already saturated with the Picture guess, Guess the Song, Guess Similar artist, guess the fruit, guess the name of the vehicle, Guess the asian games 2018 player, guess the football club logo, guess me , guess crazy, guess ghost, guess funny and difficult or search for words.
This game is one of the newest mod brain teaser games, yes by playing this game hopefully be entertained with the existing images, as well as learning about descriptions of animals, objects, and plants.
Hopefully guessing the latest questions can shake your stomach and can make you laugh laughing until you turn upside down after seeing funny pictures.
Guess Child Picture Features:
* Problem Description of an object;
* Problem Description of an animal;
* Problem Description of a plant;
* Problem guessing who I am
* about guessing pictures with new questions
* not TTS 2018
* not TTS 2019
* A series of letters becomes a word
* game stacking letters
* game stacking words
* Funny animations
* There are 3 level choices (Easy, Medium and Difficult)
* HD Graphic
* Niche Sound games
Come on if you are ready to play and learn, show your father and mother and friends that you are able to complete this kid's guessing adventure.
Play and share this game with your friends!
And don't forget to always learn to practice questions about preparations for PTS, PAS, and PAT.
::: Have a nice play ::::

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Tính năng Mới Tebak Gambar kurikulum 2013

Tebak Gambar Anak Versi 1.0

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Phiên bản hiện tại: 1.0

Cần có Android: Android 4.0 or later


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