Dimtsi Hafash 1 950khz Eritrea
15 06 2019 Radio Sinit Eritrea in Tigrinya to EaAf 0516 on 11660 Issoudun
29 06 2019 Radio Sinit Eritrea in Tigrinya to EaAf 0500 on 11660 Issoudun
7175 kHz AM Eritrea Voice of Broad Masses
22 06 2019 Radio Sinit Eritrea in Tigrinya to EaAf 0500 on 11660 Issoudun
Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea 7146.5 kHz, Asmara, first reception
Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea received in London, UK
DXing from the jungle: Voice of Eritrea 7235 kHz, Ethiopia, received in Northern Brazil