Rwanda Meteorology Agency (Meteo Rwanda) is a Government Agency under the Ministry of Environment (MoE) with legal personality, administrative and financial autonomy. The purpose of Meteo Rwanda is to provide weather, water and climate information services for safety of life and property and socio-economic development.
In Rwanda, observations of rainfall and temperature were established in the 1930s but the first station was installed at Save in 1906.
The Rwanda Meteorology Service was created in 1963 and in 1968 Meteo Rwanda was established as the main coordinator of meteorological services in the Ministry of Infrastructure(MININFRA).
Later in 2011, Rwanda Meteorological Service was transformed into Rwanda Meteorology Agency (Meteo Rwanda) by the government law No. 54 bis/2011 of December 2011 which was gazetted in the Official Gazette No. 54 of January 2012.
In July 2015, Rwanda Meteorology Agency was transferred from MININFRA to the Ministry of Environment (MoE).
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