#IDT( innovation design and thinking)
IDT PCIe 3 0 Retimers for High Speed 8Gbps Signal Conditioning
WOOT '13 - The Page-Fault Weird Machine: Lessons in Instruction-less Computation
Why you should join a Delivery team over a Sales team during early I.T. career? 🔀🤔🙄 #career #shorts
Composition Scheme, TDS/TCS | Complete Revision | CA Final IDT May/Nov'25 | CA Akshansh Garg
Ensuring Application Continuity During Outages with Identity Orchestration #iam #identitysecurity
Identity Orchestration: a Command Center for ICAM #iam #identitysecurity
Girls Hostel Madness😂❤️ #shorts #short #girls #hostellife