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사장님들이 오롯이 업에 집중할 수 있도록, 나머지 모든것을 도맡겠습니다. 여러분의 든든한 한손이 되어드립니다.
[ 인테리어를 직거래 하다 ]
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[ 인테리어를 무료 하다 ]
여타의 플랫폼과는 다릅니다.
견적 상담이나 계약시 사장님들께 어떠한 비용도 받지 않습니다.
[ 인테리어를 채팅 하다 ]
매일매일 바쁜 순간, 일일히 전화를 다 받기는 어렵습니다.
이제 채팅을 통해 고객님과 소통하세요.
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지인 추천이 40%인건 아시나요?
시공이 완료된 경험 고객님과 사장님의 연을 이어 갑니다.
[ 인테리어를 표준 하다 ]
계약서, 견적서, 일정표, 세부 견적, 홍보 양식, 이벤트 양식 등
필요한 표준 서식을 무료로 다운 받으세요.
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[ 인테리어를 홍보 하다 ]
지역 마케팅 전문가(RM)과 온라인 마케팅 전문가의 콜라보!
이제 맡겨만 주세요.
[ 인테리어를 촬영 하다 ]
이제는 전문가 시대.
부분, 전체는 물론, 드론, 인터뷰, 365 등 영상 작가님의 도움을 받으세요.
[ 인테리어를 구인 하다 ]
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[ 인테리어를 자문 하다 ]
말못한 사장님들의 고민.
이제 한손5를 통해 법무, 세무 자문을 받으실 수 있습니다.
[필수 접근 권한]
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[선택 접근 권한]
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(선택 접근 권한은 해당 기능을 사용할 때 필요하며, 동의하실 경우 한손5의 모든 서비스를 이용하실 수 있습니다.)
(!) Interior!
    Republic of Korea interior bosses and industry-related app services for workers.
(!) Interior consumers who
     You can meet our interior CEOs at hanson5.com.
In the interior market, the word satisfaction feels far away.
The first thing you need to do to realize your ideal of functionality and aesthetics is to keep your promise of quality.
I will take care of everything else so that the bosses can concentrate on the business. We will be your strong hand.
Sell ​​an interior directly
Hanson 5 helps you and your boss connect directly.
We will upload your phone number as well as any registered information.
Make the interior free.
It is different from other platforms.
We do not accept any fees from the boss for the consultation or contract.
[Chat interior]
Busy every day, it's hard to answer every call.
Now communicate with you via chat.
3D interior
One-handed boss's latest weapon!
The contract rate goes up when used in customer consultation.
Make an interior for
Did you know that 40% of your friends recommend you?
Experience of construction completed We continue the connection of customer and the president.
Standardize the interior
Contracts, quotations, timelines, detailed estimates, promotional forms, event forms, etc.
Download the standard form you need for free.
Manage interiors
Calendar, contact management Is it difficult?
Manage through one-handed 5 apps. If the pawn changes, it continues.
Promote the interior
A collaboration between local marketing experts and online marketing experts!
Please leave it now.
[Photograph the interior]
It's a professional age now.
Get help from videographers, including parts, all, drones, interviews, and 365.
[Job interior]
We can help you find an expert with your specifications.
Please register your announcement.
Consult the interior.
Worried by the dumb bosses.
Now you can get legal and tax advice through one hand5.
[Required access]
Device identification and recording (check app status)
Read phone number (membership confirmation)
[Optional access right]
Storage space (provide standard formatting)
Photos, media, files (online promotion)
(Optional access is required when using the feature, and you can use all of the services of One-Hand5 if you agree.)

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เวอร์ชันปัจจุบัน: 1.0.9

เวอร์ชัน Android ที่กำหนด: Android 4.1 or later


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