
The MaltaCrafts app showcases Maltese artisans and their work. This app offers a number of services to promote Maltese artisans work, such as:
- Search for particular crafts persons, by sector, name or location;
- Scan QR Code/Barcode found on certificates distributed to crafts persons by the Malta Crafts Council to attach to their products in order to obtain more information on the particular crafts person profile;
- Receive notifications from the Commerce Department such as news of events and other announcements;
- If the crafts person's address is publicly available, users will have the facility to discover the respective location of crafts persons.
L-app tal-MaltaCrafts għandha l-għan li tippromovi l-artiġjani Maltin u x-xogħol tagħhom. Din l-app toffri numru ta’ servizzi, fosthom:
- Tiftix għal artiġjan/a partikolari, skont l-isem tal-artiġjan, is-settur tal-artiġjanat, jew lokalità;
- Skenjar ta’ QR Code jew Barcode li jinstab fuq iċ-ċertifikat li jiġi mqassam lill-artiġjani mill-Kunsill Malti għall-Artiġjanat, biex jiġi mehmuż mal-prodotti tagħhom. Meta jiġi skenjat il-QR Code, ikun jista’ jiġi aċċessat il-profil tal-artiġjan partikolari;
- Jintbagħtu notifiki mingħand id-Dipartiment tal-Kummerċ, bħal aħbarijiet dwar avvenimenti u notifiki oħrajn ta’ interess lil dawk kollha li jkollhom l-app;
- Jekk l-indirizz tal-artiġjan partikolari jkun aċċessibbli mill-pubbliku, ikun hemm faċilità biex tintwera d-direzzjoni għall-indirizz fuq mappa.

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เวอร์ชันปัจจุบัน: 0.12.0

เวอร์ชัน Android ที่กำหนด: Android 4.1 or later


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