Guía Médica иконка

Guía Médica

1.0 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Количество установок


Описание для Guía Médica

It can be said with certainty that 20,000+ users downloaded Guía Médica latest version on 9Apps for free every week! If you are not comfortable with the old version then you can updated it right now. This hot app was released on 2019-03-11. You’ll want to use it on your own phones after you know more.
Es una aplicación móvil para celulares y cualquier otro dispositivo que utilice el sistema operativo Android, esta aplicación va dirigida a adolescentes y adultos con el fin de brindar información sobre higiene y la prevención de algunas enfermedades comunes en los idiomas Español y Huitoto para que la comunidad hablante de la lengua Huitoto Murui Bue.
It is a mobile application for cell phones and any other device that uses the Android operating system, this application is aimed at adolescents and adults in order to provide information on hygiene and the prevention of some common diseases in the Spanish and Huitoto languages ​​so that the community speaker of the language Huitoto Murui Bue.


  • Категории:
    Здоровье и фитнес
  • Последняя версия:
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  • Размер файла:
  • Требования:
    Android 4.0.3 или более поздняя
  • Обновлено:
  • ID: