Flash Speed
- Average file transfer time cost at:
0.2 second for an image
1 second for a song,
22 seconds for a movie
- Average file transfer speed at 5 MB/s and 21 MB/s at maximum
Free Traffic
- Share anytime, anywhere, without spending any traffic
- No network limit, No cell phone signal limit
Easy to use
- Easy to connect
Choose friend's icon to connect
Scan friend's QR code to connect
Choose from contact to connect
- Easy to search file
Browser and search your favorite music, video, pictures files based on your settings, avoid repeating search and browse
View recent transferred files on friend's profile
- Easy to manage files and record
Quick access to file management on ME page
Quick access to managing your file transfer record on ME page
- Customer Support
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our product, you're more than welcome to reach out to us via email or user feedback. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Thank you for choosing UC Share
More features and surprises to be continued...
1、Выпущена новая функция "Junk Cleaner"
----Сканирование бесполезных журналов и файлов кеша на телефоне
----Сканирование может бесполезно apk файлов на вашем телефоне
----Сканирование дубликатов файлов на телефоне, и вы можете удалить некоторые из них освободить место для хранения
----Сканирование других бесполезных файлов для вас
2、Исправления ошибок и улучшения производительности