Songs of Rai mimoun lwajdi иконка

Songs of Rai mimoun lwajdi

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Описание для Songs of Rai mimoun lwajdi

Mimoun program without internet in a new format with lwajdi in popular masterpieces for Ray in music videos.
Cheb mimoun, from the Moroccan city of Oujda. Her first album was lwajdi in 1982. When you appeared, Mimoun appeared in the song "Nashtin Khatri" in 1984. Immediately after, lwajdi released the album "Ana Manulish".
In 1992, mimoun founded an artistic production company, and in the same year, lwajdi released his famous song "Fatima Makdic Lak".
Mimoun's albums were a long way off, as rai music videos were often in a new form.
mimoun has produced numerous albums, including "My Heart Sighed to Think" and "The Story of My Love".
Among the most famous of the lwajdi presentation were the song "Morjana" and "Solooh", which met with great success.
The young mimoun's song "Ash Bikak Ya Nawara" was one of the best sung in all respects in 2008.
Artist lwajdi was an innovator in Sama Al-Rai and has many distinctive albums in the field of rai.
This program works without the Internet.
You will find all complete lwajdi masterpieces in a beautiful format.
You can also find timeless rai masterpieces without the internet with ease of use.


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