Photo Snap иконка

Photo Snap

13 for Android
4.0 | 10,000+ Количество установок

Accessory Software

Описание для Photo Snap

Photo Snap will Edit, Organize, Show, and Share your Phone Photos. You can create Photo Albums to Organize Photos and exchange with other devices running Photo Snap. A Slide Shows can be created with Transitional Effects and music playing in the background. You can have any number of Slide Shows and Photo Albums. Photos can be quickly edited with many editing features, and saved in Photo Albums separate from your Camera Roll. Photos can be easily selected to be copied to the Camera Roll, sent using EMail, and shared using social networks. Some of Photo Snaps editing options include Contrast, Brightness, Blur, Invert, Monochrome, Bloom, Gloom, Paper Sketch, Pencil Stroke, Sepia, Hue, Sharpen, Emboss, etc. Slide Show Transitional Effects include Saturate, Slide, Line, Magnify, Spot, Dissolve, etc. Different Times for display can be set for each picture, and the use of priorities to set the order of photos. A 3 dimensional slide show similar to Photo Show is included. You can send photos to your PC running Photo Snap 6.8 (PC, iOS, Android) or Photo Snap 64 bit, FIle Viewer Express (PC and Android), and Photo Show (PC, Android, iOS, and, Macintosh) through your Wi Fi Network from Photo Snap for Android. Photo Albums can be sent and received from your Android, iOS, or PC device running Photo Snap through your WiFi Network. Photo Albums and Slide Shows combined in Version 8. Version 9 allows you to share photos with Google Photos flickr, Facebook, and Drop Box.

Обновить Photo Snap 13

Interface Improvements.


  • Категории:
  • Последняя версия:
  • Обновлено:
  • Размер файла:
  • Требования:
    Android 4.0 или более поздняя
  • Обновлено:
    Accessory Software
  • ID:
  • Available on: